The Emperors New Groove
The Emperor's New Groove is a 2000 traditionally animated buddy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on December 15, 2000. It is the 40th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. The title refers to the Danish fairy tale The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen, though the two have little else in common. A comedy produced by Randy Fullmer and directed by Mark Dindal, The Emperor's New Groove was altered significantly over six years of development and production from its original concept as a Disney musical epic entitled Kingdom of the Sun, to have been directed by Dindal and Roger Allers (co-director of The Lion King). The documentary The Sweatbox shows the production hell that the film endured, as the film was morphed by Disney executives into the light-hearted buddy comedy.