The Black Cauldron
The Black Cauldron is a 1985 American animated dark fantasy-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. The 25th film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics, it is loosely based on the first two books in The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander, a series of five novels which in turn is based on Welsh mythology. It is also known as Taran and the Magic Cauldron.
The film centers around the evil Horned King who hopes to secure the magical Black Cauldron and rule the world with its aid. He is opposed by the youths Taran and Princess Eilonwy, the bard Fflewddur Fflam, and a wild creature named Gurgi.
The film is directed by Ted Berman and Richard Rich, who had directed the previous Disney animated film The Fox and the Hound. It features the voices of Grant Bardsley, Susan Sheridan, Freddie Jones, Nigel Hawthorne, John Byner, and John Hurt. A video game based on the film was released in 1986. It was the first Disney animated film to receive a PG rating. The film was released theatrically by Buena Vista Distribution on July 24, 1985 to become a financial and critical failure.
The film centers around the evil Horned King who hopes to secure the magical Black Cauldron and rule the world with its aid. He is opposed by the youths Taran and Princess Eilonwy, the bard Fflewddur Fflam, and a wild creature named Gurgi.
The film is directed by Ted Berman and Richard Rich, who had directed the previous Disney animated film The Fox and the Hound. It features the voices of Grant Bardsley, Susan Sheridan, Freddie Jones, Nigel Hawthorne, John Byner, and John Hurt. A video game based on the film was released in 1986. It was the first Disney animated film to receive a PG rating. The film was released theatrically by Buena Vista Distribution on July 24, 1985 to become a financial and critical failure.