Galavant is an American fairy tale-themed musical comedy television series that was created, written, and executive produced by Dan Fogelman with executive producers Alan Menken, Glenn Slater (both also serving as songwriters and composers), Chris Koch (who is also a director), and Kat Likkel & John Hoberg (also serving as writers) for ABC Studios.[1]
The series debuted on ABC during the 2014–15 television season as the mid-season fill-in for Once Upon a Time.[2] The first season consisted of eight episodes which aired over four weeks, as ABC had scheduled two episodes per Sunday. The series reunites Fogelman, Menken, and Slater, who had worked together on the 2010 animated film Tangled (produced by ABC's corporate sibling Walt Disney Animation Studios).[3]
A teaser trailer debuted on September 28, 2014 on ABC during the Once Upon A Time season premiere, which described the series as a four-week "comedy extravaganza" that would air in January 2015. On November 5, 2014, ABC announced that the series would air on Sundays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern/7:00 p.m. Central starting January 4, 2015.[4] The series was renewed for a second season on May 7, 2015
The series debuted on ABC during the 2014–15 television season as the mid-season fill-in for Once Upon a Time.[2] The first season consisted of eight episodes which aired over four weeks, as ABC had scheduled two episodes per Sunday. The series reunites Fogelman, Menken, and Slater, who had worked together on the 2010 animated film Tangled (produced by ABC's corporate sibling Walt Disney Animation Studios).[3]
A teaser trailer debuted on September 28, 2014 on ABC during the Once Upon A Time season premiere, which described the series as a four-week "comedy extravaganza" that would air in January 2015. On November 5, 2014, ABC announced that the series would air on Sundays at 8:00 p.m. Eastern/7:00 p.m. Central starting January 4, 2015.[4] The series was renewed for a second season on May 7, 2015