Lost Girl
Lost Girl is a Canadian supernatural drama television series[1] that premiered on Showcase on September 12, 2010. The series was created by Michelle Lovretta[2] and is produced by Jay Firestone[3] and Prodigy Pictures Inc.,[4] with the participation of the Canadian Television Fund (Canada Media Fund), and in association with Shaw Media. It follows the life of a bisexual[5] succubus named Bo, played by Anna Silk,[6][7] as she learns to control her supernatural abilities, help those in need, and discover the truth about her origins. Following good ratings and positive reviews, it was renewed for a second season on November 12, 2010 (two months after its premiere);[8] a third season on December 9, 2011;[9] a fourth season on February 28, 2013;[10] and a fifth season on February 27, 2014.[11]